7241 Stiles Dr. El Paso, TX 79915
Mon - Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM Sat – Sun CLOSED
Call HVAC EXPERTS (915) 598-1732

Home Thermostat Wars

There is nothing more important in a serious relationship than comfort.—comfort with each other, comfort with friends and family, comfort with lifestyle,…and comfort in the real sense of “I’m too hot. It’s too cold.” Yes, you’ll both have ideal temperatures you desire for ultimate comfort. But, really, those probably aren’t more than a degree or… Continue reading Home Thermostat Wars

Do You Have a ‘Smart Home’? Here’s Why You Should Have One.

Research says that by the year 2020, 80% of homes will be “Smart Homes.” But, what is a Smart Home? Our Expert answer this question: A Smart Home is one that provides its homeowners comfort, security, energy efficiency (low operating costs) and convenience at all times, regardless of whether anyone is home. Smart Home is… Continue reading Do You Have a ‘Smart Home’? Here’s Why You Should Have One.

How Expert HVAC & Refrigeration Serves El Paso’s Property Managers

Reliable and expert HVAC contractors are crucial to the success of property managers and landlords. There’s nothing worse than a property’s failing HVAC system and the problems that come with that! Expert HVAC & Refrigeration supports the efforts of property managers with our solutions for apartments or buildings, multi-family, vacation and/or second homes. These solutions provide… Continue reading How Expert HVAC & Refrigeration Serves El Paso’s Property Managers

Save the HVAC Systems…Change Your Filters!

There is an old saying…”out of sight; out of mind.” That is certainly true of air filters. But, not changing your air filter regularly can mean bad news! A homeowner’s best defense against costly repairs or a catastrophic early death of the heating and cooling system is regular maintenance and air filter changes. Air filters should… Continue reading Save the HVAC Systems…Change Your Filters!

The Problem With Swamp Coolers is…EVERYTHING

Swamp coolers are an affordable solution to cooling dry, hot air like we have here in El Paso. So much so, that this city still has more swamp coolers than refrigerated air systems. But, while swamp coolers don’t cost much to buy, they are a lot of work and money to maintain. Not only that,… Continue reading The Problem With Swamp Coolers is…EVERYTHING

Ask The Expert

​A recent question received at Expert HVAC and Refrigeration from one of our customers read: “When I replace my system, will I simply need to match my existing system size?” The answer from our Expert is: “Not necessarily. It is impossible to answer this question without properly surveying your home for its size, layout, current… Continue reading Ask The Expert

Your Contractor Partner for a Safer, Healthier Home

Expert HVAC and Refrigeration is Your Contractor Partner for a Safer, Healthier Home The health and safety of the family in its home is the main concern for most homeowners. And, it is the reason we do what we do at Expert HVAC and Refrigeration! In honor of National Safety Month, Expert HVAC and Refrigeration… Continue reading Your Contractor Partner for a Safer, Healthier Home

Expert HVAC and Refrigeration’s FilterFetch Program

Expert HVAC and Refrigeration’s FilterFetch Program:Providing El Paso With Air Filter Home Delivery It’s hard for a homeowner to differentiate what makes one local heating and cooling contractor better than another. They all seem to sell the same products with the same manufacturer’s warranties at about the same price…and that makes it even harder to… Continue reading Expert HVAC and Refrigeration’s FilterFetch Program

Discomfort Caused by Humidity

It might surprise you to learn just how much humidity can affect our bodies. Our joints contain sensory nerves, which respond to changes in the weather, especially humidity. When the humidity is high it causes our tendons, ligaments, and muscles to expand. For those who already have muscle or joint pain, this can be especially… Continue reading Discomfort Caused by Humidity

Time to Turn on the Evaporative cooler

It’s Time to Turn the Evaporative Cooler On. Make Sure It’s Done Properly & Safely Expert HVAC & Refrigeration doesn’t recommend you subject yourself to the risks of maintaining your evaporative cooler, but if you insist on doing it yourself, here is our advice. First, and most importantly, never work alone to turn on your… Continue reading Time to Turn on the Evaporative cooler