7241 Stiles Dr. El Paso, TX 79915
Mon - Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM Sat – Sun CLOSED
Call HVAC EXPERTS (915) 598-1732

4 Reasons Your AC Is Running Overtime

The coils of the condenser (outdoor unit) are completely exposed to the elements of the outdoors, This means they will collect dirt, grass, sticks and other small debris that could clog the air flow. And, with reduced air flow comes reduced performance. This is why springtime maintenance and inspection of your HVAC system  to perform this condenser coil… Continue reading 4 Reasons Your AC Is Running Overtime

#EarthDay 2018: Celebrate the Environment

Expert HVAC and Refrigeration is a proud installer of high efficient, energy saving Amana HVAC Systems. This #EarthDay make your friends go green with envy by purchasing an energy-efficient Amana brand Heat Pump. https://www.amana-hac.com/resources/energy-star

Another Springtime Maintenance Check is Complete!

Want to know the best way to prepare your AC for the upcoming long, hot El Paso summer? It’s a springtime maintenance check. Smart homeowners are getting them scheduled right now! When that first extremely hot week in El Paso settles in, you’re going to hope your air conditioner is ready…reliable! Here are the top… Continue reading Another Springtime Maintenance Check is Complete!

High Winds in El Paso Damage Outdoor HVAC Units

Did the El Paso high winds of last week damage your outdoor cooling system? Call Expert HVAC and Refrigeration to check it out. Compromised refrigerated air systems, due to high winds, will not operate properly and may be leaking harmful chemicals. Call us at 915-598-1732 and we’ll check it out and prepare it for the… Continue reading High Winds in El Paso Damage Outdoor HVAC Units

El Paso Experiencing Higher Than Normal Levels of Humidity

There’s no denying that El Paso summers are bringing us more and more humidity. You’re not imaging it. So, where it is coming from? Blame it on El Niño. Precipitation anomalies influenced by El Niño have been varying geographically in recent years, and the southern regions of Arizona, Texas and New Mexico have recorded more… Continue reading El Paso Experiencing Higher Than Normal Levels of Humidity

We Sell and Install Evaporative Coolers in El Paso

For your cooler start-up or replacement in El Paso, call the experts at Expert HVAC and Refrigeration at 915-598-1732. Refrigerated air Springtime maintenance also available!

The Right Temperature; Right Where You Want It!

Most homes don’t have the same temperature needs in every room. Rooms vary widely – the number of windows, how much sun they get, their size, how well they’re insulated, and how many vents they have. And, often the room where your home’s comfort is most important, like a baby’s room or bedroom, isn’t where… Continue reading The Right Temperature; Right Where You Want It!

Common Mistakes When Buying a New Refrigerated Air Conditioning System

Purchasing a new air conditioner can be a daunting task, no doubt. But, Expert HVAC and Refrigeration is here to make it easier for you. To start, you’ll definitely want to have one of our experts come to evaluate your home’s size, capacity and layout for a best new HVAC system recommendation. If this isn’t… Continue reading Common Mistakes When Buying a New Refrigerated Air Conditioning System

Expert HVAC and Refrigeration: Call Today; Replace the Air Conditioning Tomorrow

Most new, quality heating and cooling systems we sell are warrantied to last 10-15 years including Amana, Goodman, and others, but they are really built to last many more years beyond that–and will–with proper maintenance and regular filter changes (We can help with that https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/filter-fetch/). But, what if your system is at least 10 years old… Continue reading Expert HVAC and Refrigeration: Call Today; Replace the Air Conditioning Tomorrow

Best Air Filters For Homeowners in El Paso

It’s spring and that means allergy season. Did you know that your air filter can make the biggest difference in how clean your indoor air quality is? It’s true! Homeowners already are encourage to change the air filter every month, especially if they suffer from allergies, have respiratory problems…or have pets. In El Paso, we… Continue reading Best Air Filters For Homeowners in El Paso