7241 Stiles Dr. El Paso, TX 79915
Mon - Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM Sat – Sun CLOSED
Call HVAC EXPERTS (915) 598-1732

3 Things That People Want From a New Heating and Cooling System

1. Comfort
2. High Efficiency (lower utility bills)
3. Long Life

All 3 are easily achieved with a new system, given you care for it properly. Annual maintenance and check ups are critical, but most important is to regularly change your air filters. Not changing your filters is bad…it’s like not changing the oil in your automobile. DO THIS AT LEAST EVERY OTHER MONTH, if not every month!

Expert HVAC & Refrigeration is El Paso’s only FilterFetch contractor, whereby we have air filters delivered directly to you AND remind you when to change your filters so that you can enjoy more comfort, lower those utility bills and get the longest life possible from your HVAC systesm.

To learn more about FilterFetch, watch our video here: https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/filterfetch-el-p…/

Or visit https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/filter-fetch/ to sign up!

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