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HVAC Price Forecast: Increasing Trend for 2022

The price of HVAC is on the rise again, and forecasts show an upward trend into 2022.

We have seen manufacturer prices increase in the past at most once per year. COVID-19 has had its effect on the industry, and there are price increases once every quarter. These stem from supply and transportation shortages.

Many manufacturers have started to announce price increases for the coming year ranging from 3% to nearly 20%. The impact is felt more than ever. This trend is said to continue rising over the next few years.

The pandemic has not only affected the industry but has also changed our lifestyles. Working remotely and spending more time at home, many people have chosen to invest in their home.

HVAC is a smart investment for maintaining indoor air quality, comfortable temperatures, and energy efficiency. Whether installing a completely new system or upgrading old equipment, now may be the best time to consider investing in HVAC equipment while prices are low.

Learn more about HVAC systems and stay up to date with the latest news. Follow our blog: https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/latest-news/.

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