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7 Must-do’s for the First-time Homeowner

Congratulations, you have decided you found the right place and now you’re a homeowner! Your next question can be a bit confusing. What will you need to create a safe, efficient and comfortable home?

Let our Experts help you to know what the answers are to a safe and comfortable space. Let us also share some ways you can save on those utility bills. You may not know, but the cost of heating and cooling a home is about half of your energy usage costs.

Here’s 7 ways to create a home that you will feel most comfortable and secure in:

  1. Install (or test existing) CO/smoke detectors. The safety of your family and pets must be at the forefront of your mind when purchasing a new home. We hope you never have to hear them sound off, but CO/smoke detectors give homeowners peace of mind knowing that these alerts will awaken you to any carbon monoxide or fires that should occur. Install them in more than one place—hallway to the bedrooms, near the kitchen, in a basement of on every story of a home. The Nest Protect CO/smoke detector is the best in the business as rated by many authorities, including the NFPA. It’s the best because when installed with a Nest thermostat to turn off the furnace if it detects carbon monoxide in the home.
  2. Change the locks and maybe install window sensors. Nest has made security systems affordable for homeowners. We offer a wide variety of Nest products including smart locks that work with window and door sensors so that you are immediately alerted when either have been compromised for illegal entry. Alerts come while in the home or out of it. An app allows all of your Nest devices to send homeowners push notifications so that they are always “connected” to their home! Learn more about Nest products from a Nest Pro installer, here: https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/nest-home-automation/. Don’t buy retail when our Nest products are warrantied for five years.
  3. Consider an energy-efficient upgrade of a smart thermostat. As mentioned above, your energy usage is probably going to be your highest cost of owning a home, after your mortgage. Learning thermostats can help reduce those costs of energy usage because they learn your occupancy patterns and program themselves for the greatest efficiency of heating and cooling the home. Nest also provides reporting that helps you understand how you can save more on your utility bills.
  4. Join an HVAC maintenance plan. Maintaining your HVAC is going to keep it running most efficiently for a very long time. But, it’ll also provide cleaner indoor air for your family. Filter changes are your best bet for long lasting HVAC efficiency. Simple to do, but like they say “out of sight; out of mind.” Never forget a filter change ever again by joining an air filter home delivery service, like the one we offer called FilterFetch. Learn more or sign up here: https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/filter-fetch/
  5. Install a couple security cameras (doorbell, outdoor, indoor). Nest has made security affordable. Before, security systems for the rich but now everyone can afford safety. Get peace of mind and explore our Nest security systems, installed by the Nest Pro’s in El Paso.
  6. Upgrade to refrigerated air. Evaporative cooling is simply uncomfortable, inefficient and unhealthy. No if’s, and’s, or’s about it! Refrigerated air has so many benefits, including quiet, healthy and comfortable cooling. Refrigerated air minimizes dust, allergens and other pollutants that come in through the duct system or windows (you’ll never have to one open to run a refrigerated air system). We offer many articles on the benefits of a central air conditioning system at our blogspot. You can read more here: https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/latest-news/
  7. Consider installing a whole house surge protection system. We don’t get a lot of lightening strikes, but we do get wind that knocks out power all of the time. A whole house surge protection system can protect your valuable electronics and electrical systems. For the nominal cost of having one installed, you can save a lot in the long run especially if you don’t have to replace that 60” TV!!!

You certainly won’t run out of things to buy for your new home, that is for sure. But, consider the things above that will help you make it safer, more comfortable and efficient.

For an estimate on any of the systems suggested above, call Expert HVAC and Refrigeration. We have been serving El Paso homeowners with sales and service of home systems for nearly 40 years! Call 915-598-1732.

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