7241 Stiles Dr. El Paso, TX 79915
Mon - Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM Sat – Sun CLOSED
Call HVAC EXPERTS (915) 598-1732

Best Practices to Extend the Life of Your Heating and Cooling System

It is said by the Air Conditioning Contractors Association that 98% of premature HVAC equipment failures can be prevented with regular filter changes and preventative system maintenance. Here’s a couple of simple and affordable programs from Expert HVAC and Refrigeration that all El Paso homeowners should subscribe to:

FilterFetch Air Filter Home Delivery & Filter Change Reminders

Changing your filters once a month or at least once every other month keeps your system running interim to season maintenance. Clean filters keep the air flowing properly through the duct work, creating clean living spaces with less dust.  The filters get clogged with dust, dirt, pollen, and pet dander.  Regularly changing your air filters will keep your system in great shape but it will also make sure your air quality is good. Check out our air filter home delivery program so you are always stocked with the proper filter and get filter change reminders: https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/filter-fetch/

Start a Proactive Preventive Maintenance Program

By having a regular maintenance (twice a year: spring for the cooling system and fall for heating), you can rest assured knowing that your heating and cooling system remains in peak operating condition and running at its highest efficiency.  In addition, equipment failures are greatly reduced, energy bills are lowered, equipment life is extended, and you can reduce repair costs over the long run by having annual maintenance conducted on your HVAC system. Call us at 915-598-1732 to get started on a preventive maintenance program. Expert HVAC and Refrigeration are currently setting appointments for the upcoming cooling season’s preventive maintenance.

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