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Improve the Air You Breathe and Minimize Dust, Allergens and Pollutants

Many factors contribute to the quality of indoor air, from what artificial products are used in the house, to cooking, to preferences for comfort, including the HVAC, windows and doors. Continuously breathing bad indoor air is very unhealthy, causing many to have heightened allergies and sinus problems. You can eliminate the pollutants making your indoor air to be poor by knowing what’s causing it and then choosing a solution from our arsenal of air quality products to combat it.

Here is a list of typical allergens that affect your indoor air quality:

Outdoor-indoor allergens are substances that occur naturally outdoors but become concentrated indoors and can cause or exacerbate allergies and asthma. Allergens can come from pests like cockroaches, mice, and dust mites that many time roam the home and we don’t even realize it. Organisms in the form of pollen or mold also can easily enter the air of a home when using an evaporative cooler or other water product that is attached to the interior of a home on a consistent basis.

Fine particles (or dust) generally comes from what is circulating outside to what is going on indoors. Even the burning of candles can cause poor indoor air and create dust.

Toxic gases can build up in the interior of a home but are rare. Mostly, there is a danger of carbon monoxide that could come from heating the home. Naturally occurring radon gas can appear in a home by rising from the ground beneath. Though usually found at lower levels indoors than outdoors, ozone can infiltrate the home from outside or be produced by ozone-generating appliances or water treatment machines. 

Household products and chemicals that are used to keep your home clean, as well as personal care products, release somewhat dangerous airborne chemicals. Beauty products, paints, lacquers, pesticides, and disinfectants are just a few of the typical things that many of us use on a daily basis that will emit toxic substances into the home.

There is also a host of chemicals that can be released from new mattresses, carpets and new clothing. In time, these generally lessen or wear off completely.

Tobacco smoke can be just as dangerous inside as it is outside.

In reality, almost every home has some sort of allergen(s) floating around. Allergens are invisible particles that can be found on the surface of just about everything. Allergens, like pollen grains, dust fibers, pet dander, and a wide variety of others, can be minimized with a good indoor air cleaner. Installing an indoor air cleaner is especially recommended for those whose immune systems dramatically react to indoor allergens.

Call and let the experts at Expert HVAC and Refrigeration recommend an indoor air cleaning system that will work to improve the air quality in your home and minimize your symptoms! Here’s what we offer:

  • Central air purifiers remove the pollutants from the air before it reaches your living space.
  • Air filters remove pollutants from your home’s environment. Learn more about FilterFetch, air filter home delivery here: https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/filter-fetch/
  • Humidifiers moistens the air in your home, helping to alleviate itchy skin, dry sinuses, and scratchy throats.
  • Dehumidifiers removes damp air from the air, curbing the proliferation of mold and mildew growth in your ducts.
  • UV lights disinfect the air that passes through your ducts, killing any harmful contaminants in the process.
  • Whole house ventilation or Fresh Air systems exchanges polluted indoor air for cleaner outdoor air, without changing the temperature of your home.

Call Expert HVAC and Refrigeration at 915-598-1732  for your best indoor air quality solutions.

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