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ASK THE EXPERTS: Should I Wash My Outdoor Air Conditioner After Cooling Season?

It sure has been an active monsoon season with lots of wind, rain and hail. With that, some of you may be seeing more dirt, branches and debris gathering on your outdoor AC condensing unit. A question we received from one of our refrigerated air conversion customers was “Should I spray and clean my outdoor air conditioning unit?”

Here is our Expert answer:

Over time, dirt and debris can gather on and clog your outdoor condensing unit. When this happens, it could possibly cause damage to the coil. A clogged system can start overworking and not provide the cooling you desire to be most comfortable. This will not only run up your electric bill, but it could potentially cause premature failure of your air conditioning unit.

The short answer to the question is “Yes, a system needs to be cleaned, but leave this to the professionals!” We warn you to NEVER power wash or use a high-pressure sprayer to clean your outdoor condensing unit. This could damage the fins of the coil. And, NEVER do this anything like this when the system is on. This is very dangerous and you could harm yourself.”

Expert HVAC and Refrigeration’s best advice is to get your preventive maintenance your system done every spring and fall. The amount of dirt, branches, grass clipping and other debris that gathers in a single monsoon season probably won’t affect the operation of your system, but after many volatile seasons, it eventually may. The indoor unit also needs to be checked, as well. That’s why every spring, we properly clean and prepare your cooling unit for the season. In fall, we are focused on your heating unit.

Always change your air filter…if not, at least every other month. We have a program with convenient home delivery of air filters and filter change reminders for that here: https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/filter-fetch/

It’s not too soon to think about fall preventive maintenance on your HVAC system. For a quote on the plans we have available, call our office at 915-598-1732.

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