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El Paso Experiencing Higher Than Normal Levels of Humidity

There’s no denying that El Paso summers are bringing us more and more humidity. You’re not imaging it. So, where it is coming from? Blame it on El Niño.

Precipitation anomalies influenced by El Niño have been varying geographically in recent years, and the southern regions of Arizona, Texas and New Mexico have recorded more than normal precipitation levels, including a lot more humidity. These changes are disrupting the comfort levels of El Paso homeowners.

The problems with high humidity.

When the humidity levels rise outside there is no way to keep it from also entering the home. Too much humidity can cause condensation on windows, wet stains on walls and ceilings, mold, musty odor, and/or a clammy feel to the air. It has the same effect on your valuable furnishings.

Rot and structural damage can also result from extended periods of high humidity in your home. And, especially in the Southwest, it can draw pests. Bugs are always looking for water and condensation provides bugs with the water they need.

High humidity can be especially dangerous when combined with high temperatures, as it will disrupt the body’s ability to cool itself, which may lead to ill health, including heat stroke. People with heart or respiratory problems or asthma are advised to be extremely careful. Living in these conditions are very dangerous to health.

Controlling the humidity levels in your home greatly influences the comfort you will experience, as well as protect health and décor and reduce maintenance. Your home will feel most comfortable at humidity levels between 30 – 50%. There is no sure way to keep it within those levels without a humidification system.

If humidity is too high there are few things you can do:

  • Install a dehumidifier directly to your heating and cooling system or purchase individual units for rooms or areas in your home. * (A natural gas dehumidifier removes 80 pints of water per day.)
  • Vent areas that create moist air, like the shower or bathroom
  • Use range and bathroom exhaust fans while cooking and bathing
  • Take shorter showers with cooler water
  • Install fresh air intake duct
  • Make sure your air conditioner is sized correctly. When it runs, it may run a little longer, but it will be pulling out moisture.

Expert HVAC and Refrigeration’s humidification portfolio offers an extensive line of whole-home humidification solutions. Protect precious and valuable art, upholstery and woods like piano’s, antiques, moulding, frames and other home décor with adequate humidification/dehumidification.

For an accurate assessment of your humidity levels, call the experts at Expert HVAC and Refrigeration. We’ll measure and verify what is happening in your home and provide a written estimate on a humidification solution.

Call 915-598-1732 or visit us at www.ai9.co

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