7241 Stiles Dr. El Paso, TX 79915
Mon - Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM Sat – Sun CLOSED
Call HVAC EXPERTS (915) 598-1732

FilterFetch: El Paso’s Air Filter Home and Business Delivery Service

WARNING: These images may be too graphic for some eyes!

We get calls like this one all of the time: “My air conditioner is blowing but there’s no cold air coming out” or “My HVAC system is running continuously, but it’s not cooling my home.” And, this one: “Why is my home so dusty and smelly?”

In over 30 years in business in El Paso, Expert HVAC & Refrigeration has found that for at least a quarter of our calls, the problem is because the air filter has not been changed in a timely manner. The air filter is so dirty that air cannot properly flow through it. When the filter is clogged or so dirty that the airflow is being compromised…air that is supposed to freely flow into the living spaces has to work harder to get there. And, when it finally does, the indoor air is so polluted that is it leaving a trail of dust and smells. But not just that, dirty air filters cost you money on utility bills and even more costly system repairs!

Changing your air filter regularly—every month or two—is a best practice for maintaining system efficiency, cleaner and healthier indoor air, less dust and ultimate comfort.

Expert HVAC & Refrigeration can help you with the task of air filter changes. We are El Paso’s only FilterFetch, air filter home and business delivery service. It’s all automatic! You subscribe. We send you filters and filter change reminders so you NEVER miss a filter change again!

For more information on this convenient and valuable service, visit https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/filter-fetch/ or call us at 915-598-1732.

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