El Paso Electric has launched an energy efficiency awards program for El Paso homeowners who feel a responsibility to reduce energy consumption and lighten the demands on the electric grid in our area…during peak usage months. Expert HVAC and Refrigeration supports this mission for our valuable community and resources and encourage you to join in, too!
It works like this:
Install a WiFi-enabled thermostat or eSmart thermostats (like NEST), join their program to effectively reduce energy usage during peak energy usage months, and you’ll be rewarded. The first 3,000 to sing up and participate will be rewarded.
El Paso Electric will remotely engage with you on energy usage via the smart thermostat. Initially, homeowners who are selected will get a $125 rebate check for the purchase of a qualifying thermostat and $25 each year for 3 years will be rewarded at the end of summer peak energy demand season (September 30). But, it’s not just those incentives that homeowners will enjoy, smart thermostats help you save significantly on utility costs. Smart thermostats are proven to save 5-15% on utility bills annually.
For a list of qualifying thermostats, click here https://enrollmythermostat.com/elpasoelectric/. If you wish to have a smart thermostat installed, call Expert HVAC and Refrigeration at 915-598-1732 or visit us at www.ai9.co
To read more on this energy efficiency initiative by EPE, visit https://www.epelectric.com/about-el-paso-electric/article/new-pilot-program-rewards-you-for-reducing-energy-use