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Home Thermostat Wars

There is nothing more important in a serious relationship than comfort.—comfort with each other, comfort with friends and family, comfort with lifestyle,…and comfort in the real sense of “I’m too hot. It’s too cold.”

Yes, you’ll both have ideal temperatures you desire for ultimate comfort. But, really, those probably aren’t more than a degree or two in difference. If you are always too hot or too cold in your own home, then it is more likely you have an airflow issue more specifically, an issue of air balancing. For example, if she has a favorite chair and he prefers to lay out on the couch for evening television viewing, you may be experiencing the airflow into that room differently.

It’s true. If one of you is always too cold or too hot, chances are your vents are positioned (or directed) improperly and someone has more air hitting him or her than the other. That’s an easy fix. If you have movable vent blades, reposition them so that air is directed exactly where you want it to; exactly where you each will be most comfortable.

Programmable thermostats are another way to fix problems of discomfort due to too much heat or too much cooling. Today’s thermostats are so sophisticated that they can actually “learn” your occupancy and living patterns and program themselves to call for heating and cooling when and where you need it most. But not just that, these smart thermostats are quick to pay themselves off because they help save on utility bills by providing only the necessary amount of conditioned air called for. Energy is not wasted!

Finally, if you truly don’t’ believe there is a temperature setting that will satisfy both of your comfort levels, try some of these:

Too Hot: Turn on the ceiling fan to get that constant movement of air which will make you feel cooler even though the thermostat setting hasn’t changed. Or, keep a large glass of ice water nearby. And, close the curtains if the sun is directly hitting your living space. These simple steps will help you stay cooler.

Too Cold: Bundle up. Wear a light sweater, cozy socks or keep a throw nearby for those moments when you feel uncomfortably cool. It’s easier to layer up to warm up than it is too cool down.

If you are still terribly uncomfortable in your own space, you may need a new HVAC system and better thermostat controls. For a free estimate, give Expert HVAC & Refrigeration a call. We can help! 915-598-1732. Or, visit us at https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/.

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