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Mon - Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM Sat – Sun CLOSED
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How to Recognize an HVAC Emergency

Most of the time, the HVAC system works great—set it and forget it! But lately, our weather conditions in El Paso have been crazy with extreme winds, rain and flooding. These weather events can significantly affect the operation of the HVAC…and without warning, you start having problems.

So, exactly what constitutes an emergency? What do you look for when you suspect a problem with the HVAC? Here are some signs that the system is in distress and you need to seek Expert HVAC and Refrigeration’s help immediately:

The temperature in the home changes quickly. 

If the thermostat goes from a cool, comfortable temperature to a frigid cold or not cold enough, something’s not right. It may be that there is a refrigerant leak. This could be caused by any number of things, so it’s best to have the system checked.

The system keeps shutting itself off. 

This is called “short cycling.” This might be caused by a thermostat that is low on batteries or broken. That is any easy fix. But, it could be that the air conditioning compressor is suffering. Regardless, short cycling negatively affects the AC and the way it operates and could cause traumatic failure … which is a bigger issue and you should seek help immediately.

The system is making a grinding noise.

Oh #$@&%*% no!

Grinding noises coming from the air conditioning unit need immediate attention. The noises are likely coming from the air handler which is what distributes the cool air through your home. The motor drives the operation of the air handler and that is probably to be the source of the noise.

An AC motor is almost always under a great deal of strain in the summer months in El Paso…and, if not properly maintained with preventive maintenance including proper lubrication, it will burn itself out. That is a very expensive repair so call at the first sound of any noise.

Be Good to Your HVAC System, and It’ll Be Good to You!

HVAC emergencies are serious to the lifespan on your system, so make sure to take care of them at the first sign of something wrong. Be sure, too, to have preventative maintenance done every year to keep it working in tip top shape. Doing so almost always ensures a system performing at highest efficiency, providing the most comfort and saving the most on utility bills.

Call Expert HVAC and Refrigeration and we’ll come out immediately to assess your repair and make the proper recommendations. Call us at 915-598-1732 or schedule at https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/.

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