7241 Stiles Dr. El Paso, TX 79915
Mon - Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM Sat – Sun CLOSED
Call HVAC EXPERTS (915) 598-1732

It’s Time to “ASK THE EXPERT!”

A homeowner wants to know: “I’ve heard I should set my thermostat…and forget it. Is that true? Or, is there something more I can do to be more comfortable and save money on utility bills as it relates to the thermostat?”

If you set your thermostat at a specific temperature and never touch it, you could be wasting as much as $180/year on energy bills, according to our expert and Energystar.gov. https://www.energystar.gov/products/heating_cooling/programmable_thermostats

Energy Star says, “homeowners should change the thermostat temperature setting whenever they leave your home for 8 hours or longer.” After all, there’s no need to heat or cool an empty home to the same temperature as when you’re home, right?

Instead Expert HVAC and Refrigeration recommends you do this:

  • When your home will be empty for 8 hours or longer, set your thermostat 5°-8° higher in the summer and 10°-15° lower in the winter.
  • When you get home, set the thermostat back to your comfortable setting.
  • This will maximize efficiency without upsetting comfort.

And, doing so can save you 5-15% on your yearly energy costs, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Of course, remembering to change your thermostat every time you leave your home can be difficult. That’s where a programmable thermostat comes in. Programmable thermostats can be set to your schedule so that it automatically makes these adjustments for you.

Expert HVAC and Refrigeration offers many smart, programmable thermostat options…one sure to meet your lifestyle and comfort needs. Call our expert today if you think it’s time for you to explore higher efficiency and lower energy bills from your HVAC system by simply changing out your old thermostat.

Call us at 915-598-1732.

Or visit us at www.ai9.co.

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