It’s March and that means strong storms in El Paso — whipping wind, loads of dirt and pouring rain.
One question we frequently get at Expert HVAC is “What does that do to the HVAC?” Well, not to worry. Your HVAC will not go flying off the rooftop or stop working because dirt is entering it. Outdoor packaged systems and condensing units are actually built to withstand nearly every weather condition, including our more severe storms in the early spring in El Paso.
Where the problem lies is at the air filter. The dirt that is flying around outside does find its way to the filters. And they can clog up quickly in these windy conditions.
You will want to change your air filters more frequently during our gusty spring months in El Paso. Clogged filters are the number one reason for HVAC maintenance and repairs. An HVAC system that has to work too hard to supply airflow will quit prematurely. And replacing the entire system is an expensive proposition, as you know.
Springtime maintenance on the air conditioner is also a wise decision for the HVAC. A comprehensive inspection and cleaning will keep your A/C running at peak efficiency, just as it did the day it was installed.
To ensure that you will always have the right filter, Expert HVAC and Refrigeration offers air filter home delivery. You’ll receive an air filter at your doorstep, just when will you need to make the filter change. Commercial grade filters will be delivered — not the ones you buy at the big box stores.
For more information on our air filter home delivery service, visit
Or call 915-598-1732 and ask to sign up for FilterFetch.